Rules & Etiquette

/r/CrossStitch Rules:

Using Tags [TAG]s

We require every post to have only one tag telling us what the post is about. The one tag must be at the front of the post's title. This helps people find what they're looking for. Here is a reddit post discussing tags. Only one tag per post.

[FO] finished object - see rules 4 and 6

[WIP] work in progress - only share the same WIP more than once if noticeable progress has been made - see rule 6

[SHOP] if this is an [FO] or [WIP] of a design you are selling. Limit 1 per month. See rule 6.

[PATTERN] free pattern

[CHAT] question, discussion, pattern request, general self-post with no photo

[PIC] non-project specific photo, haul, meme

[VIDEO] flosstube, tutorial, time-lapse

The Norms

At /r/CrossStitch we like to have a good time. We want a positive environment and a sub people look forward to coming to. Here are our norms:

Rule Four Clarification Tree (NEEDS AN UPDATE, COMING SOON!)

Thanks to /u/Valkyrievaire for designing this flow chart!