Patterns vs. Kits
Patterns can come in a few different forms: digitally (perhaps ordered online on an Etsy store), in a leaflet (a small book, usually no more than 20 pages, filled with patterns of a similar theme), magazines, or a physical copy of a single pattern which can be found at most craft stores.
Great for storage! Some are only a page of paper thick.
Often times cheaper than kits.
Can be wirelessly delivered to you as soon as you want it.
More personalized to your interest.
More likely to support a small business, especially when purchasing on ETSY.
You only get the pattern - you have to buy the fabric and floss separately if you don't already own them.
Can be very expensive if it is a limited edition pattern or a pattern no longer in print.
There are a few major kit producers: Dimensions, Bucilla, and Janlynn, with some smaller companies also floating around. A lot of online stores of also started packaging their patterns as kits to sell them.
Dimensions, Bothy, Bucilla, Mill Hill (most kits involve beading), Janlynn, Pine Mountain Designs, Etsy
Everything you need is in one place!
Excellent for beginners.
Sometimes come with a frame for finishing.
Can be expensive depending on the level of expertise and size of the kit.
Often times the thread and fabric included are not great quality.
Especially if buying from a big designer, there will be less tailored kits to your specific interests.